


Tattle Tales
By Chick Moorman and Thomas Haller 
Chick Moorman及Thomas Haller合著 
譯者: 吳清良 老師



The important issue to help children understand about tattling is not when to report. Nor is it what to report. The critical decision involves who to report to. We must help children learn to report to the right person.
Children tattle. They do it at daycare. They do it at home. It happens in the primary grades and continues on into high school. Regardless of the grade you teach, tattling will occur in your classroom.
Many teachers don't like tattling and have devised plans to reduce its occurrence and even to eliminate it from their classrooms:
"I use a 'tattleman,' which is a stuffed teddy bear that I keep in the back of the room," says a veteran kindergarten teacher. "I tell the students that if they are tattling because they are upset, they should go tell the tattleman instead. Many kids whisper in tattleman's ear throughout the year and it has significantly cut down the amount of tattling in my classroom."
"I keep a plastic tree in the back of my second grade classroom," another teacher notes. "If the tattling is not about the 3 b's -- blood, barf, or being hurt, I tell my students to tell it to the tree."
另一位老師說道:『我保有一棵「塑膠樹」,置於我二年級的教室後面。如果來告狀是無關英語的3B - 流血、嘔吐、或受傷,我就告訴學生們去向那顆樹告狀。』
"I teach my children to only come to me for medical emergencies," a middle school teacher announces. "When they come to tattle I ask them if it's a medical emergency. When they say "no" I simply send them on their way. It takes about a month or two, but tattling ends quickly in my classroom. I just don't tolerate it."
"I made a Tattle Tail," one early childhood educator announced. "When kids tattle, they carry the stuffed tail with them for a portion of the day. It works."

Although the ideas expressed above might be well intentioned, the results don't serve to create self-responsible, thinking, caring, children. Let's take a closer look at tattling.
You need to understand that tattling is pro-social aggression. It is a natural stage in the development of the conscience. It is a necessary and desirable part of the developmental sequence. Knowing that it is normal and inevitable will help you be less resentful of it and more likely to deal with it effectively.
你要知道,「濫告狀」是一種具有社會傾向的侵犯(人多才會誘發此行為)。那是良知發展過程中,很自然的一個階段 。這是發展過程中不可或缺的一部分。知道這是正常且不可避免的之後,就可幫助你對此減少忿怒,而會更加有效地來處理它。
Rename tattling. Tattling is a negative word with negative connotations. Because we call it tattling and define that as bad, we work to eliminate it in our classrooms. Why not just give tattling a new name. We suggest you call it reporting. Reporting doesn't have a negative association attached to it. In fact, we even pay people in our society to do reporting. Don't you wish some child had reported the recent school shootings before they occurred?
When should they report? Some teachers help children determine when it is and when it is not an appropriate time to report a situation, behavior or circumstance. The "3 b's" of reporting -- barf, blood, or being hurt -- is one example. Another is the teacher who asks when children report to her, "Is it going to get them in or out of trouble." If it is going to get them out of trouble, she wants to hear the report. If the reporting is designed to get the other child into trouble she instructs the reporter to keep it to himself or herself.
什麼時候他們該「報告」?一些老師協助孩子們決定何時是適當?何時為不當?來報告一種情勢、行為、或狀況。例如英語的3B - 嘔吐、流血、或受傷之類的通報是適當的;另一種則要視情況。老師問向他報告的孩子:『這報告是要陷別人於麻煩?或讓人遠離麻煩?』如這報告是要讓人遠離麻煩,老師則想要聽這報告。如這報告是要陷別人於麻煩,那麼,老師就告訴「通報者」把這報告留給自己。
Our position is that there is no inappropriate time to report. Instruction on when to and when not to report is misguided and unhelpful to the student's development as a self-responsible human being. It is always valuable to report to the right person.

The important issue to help children appreciate about reporting is not when to report. Nor is it the consideration of what to report. The critical decision about reporting involves WHO to report to. We must help children learn to report to the right person.
The right person
When a child reports to you that a classmate was passing rubbing alcohol around on the bus and asking students to sniff it, he is reporting to the right person. If a child tells you her friend got sick in the bathroom, she is reporting to the person who most needs to hear the report.
The wrong person
If a student reports to you that another student won't give him a turn on the swing, he has reported to the wrong person. Your job here is to help him find the correct person to report to, and to teach him how to do it effectively. Say, "Sounds like you are wanting a turn. That's something you need to report to Cherrie. Would you like me to help you create some words to use when you tell her?" Then accompany the child to the scene and coach him through the dialog making sure he is heard. Later, after a few attempts with your presence, you can send the child off alone to report his feelings and desires to the person who most needs to hear them.
High school students can be taught to report to the person next to them that they don't like it when answers are copied from their paper. The correct person to report to in this case is the person doing the copying. If several instances of reporting to this correct person are unsuccessful, a new correct person -- the teacher -- emerges to report to.
中學生如發現臨座同學抄他的答案,他不喜歡此行為時,可教導他直接向那同學報告。於此情況,抄答案的人是你要向他報告,是報告要向「對」的人。如向這位「對」的人報了幾次都沒成功,則出現一位「新的、對的」人 - 老師 - 來報告。
Young children can be taught to report to the person who steps on their toes not to the teacher. Middle school students can be taught to report bullying when they notice the victim is unable or unwilling to stand up for herself. At first, they can report their feelings to the bully. Later, they can report to an adult if necessary.
On occasion, children need to report to themselves. If the behavior is not bothering anyone and is not potentially harmful, the child might need to say to himself or herself. "This isn't my issue," or "This is not a major concern."
有些情況,孩子們需向自己報告。如看到的行為並不干擾到任何人,也無潛在的傷害,孩子需向自己報告:『這不是我要關心的 或 這不是什麼大事。』
Children will tattle. Why not relax into it and accept it as normal and inevitable? See it as an opportunity to help your students learn about the importance of reporting to the right person?

About the Authors

Chick Moorman and Thomas Haller are the authors of The 10 Commitments: Parenting with Purpose. They also publish a free e-mail newsletter for parents and another for educators. Subscribe to them when you visit, www.chickmoorman.com or www.thomashaller.com. 
Chick Moorman及Thomas Haller是「十個承諾:有目地的父母教導方法」一書的作者。他們也出版免費的電子報給家長及老師。當你拜訪他們的網站(www.chickmoorman.com或www.thomashaller.com)時,別忘了訂閱。
Chick Moorman holds bachelors and master's degrees in education from Western Michigan University. A former classroom teacher, he founded the Institute for Personal Power, providing training for more than 300,000 teachers and parents. He has worked with parents and teachers for more than 40 years. 
Chick Moorman 擁有西密西根大學教育學士及碩士、前級任導師。他開辦了個人充電站,提供了超過三十萬老師及家長的訓練,他與家長及老師工作超過四十年。
Thomas Haller has extensive training in psychotherapy with children and couples from the University of Michigan where he received his Master of Social Work degree. He also is an ordained Lutheran minister with a Master of Divinity degree from Concordia Theological Seminary. Haller currently works in private practice in Bay City, Michigan, as a child, adolescent and couples therapist. 
Thomas Haller 擁有密西根大學社會工作碩士。他開了一個密集的心理治療訓練,針對孩童及由密西根大學來的男女伴侶。他也是神職的路得會牧師,具Concordia神學院頒的神學碩士。Haller目前於密西根州灣市,個人執業治療師,對象為孩童、成人、及伴侶。 

◎ 僅供網上流通閱覽,原著有版權,書商請勿逕自集冊付梓。 2006

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